Why I am not a fan of Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States of America
Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States of America

I did a top 10 presidents list (one that I will update some time in the future), and there was probably something very interesting about the list that some people noticed: the consistently ranked high FDR was not on the list. He is consistently ranked 3rd behind only Washington and Lincoln. Yet…I didn’t have him in my top 10. So that brings the question of why? Well…there is SO many things I could list, but I will condense them into essentially 3 points.

1 The New Deal and it’s relationship with the economy

While not all of the new deal is crap…I loathe quite a lot of it. Most of it was massive unconstitutional government overreach. Good portions of the new deal were shot down by the courts as “unconstitutional” during his reign of terror. His presidency saw one of the most massive and invasive grabs of federal power we have ever seen. It was borderline authoritarian.

But what about it’s effect on the economy? Didn’t it help the economy? Well…I’m not so convinced of that. Most of the metrics I see in this regard are pure garbage. Unemployment during FDR’s presidency hung around 20-25%. Inflation was off the charts. So then…in what metric was the country getting better? Well…GDP was going up. That’s something to celebrate…right? Well…inflation can actually make GDP go up so I can’t really hang my hat on that and crown FDR as a champion of economic policy. But it DID finally get better...right around the time America entered World War 2. I am in the boat that it was America entering World War 2 that got America out of the depression (see Dwight Eisenhower’s speech on the military industrial complex).

In fact, there’s a study that was done by UC Berkley that found that the New Deal lengthened the depression. So…I guess we will always debate this topic.

So then…what DID he do economically? Write many many many many MANY stimulus checks as relief money. Just keep printing money, baby!

2 FDR’s relationship with the Jews

FDR’s relationship with the jews was…poor. While I can find no direct quote where he was directly racist to them…it is clear to me that he was not very sympathetic to the Jew’s plight during world war 2. The American response was very poor. Jews found it extremely difficult to flee to America during world war 2. FDR even wanted them deported to various other places rather than let them into the country. By the time he relaxed his immigration policies it was way too late. Most of the Jewish communities in Germany were either exterminated or they relocated to other parts of Europe. Bottom line: FDR had many chances to help the jews out and didn’t take them. And because of this we saw one of the most brutal atrocities committed against a people ever committed.

3 Executive order 9066

Probably the most sinister thing FDR directly did. While suspending habeas corpus is nothing new…FDR’s was a lot more racially motivated than any other president. FDR specifically targeted the German, Italian and Japanese immigrants (kind of sort of). That’s bad enough…but this executive order disproportionately targeted the Japanese. And quite a few of the Japanese that were rounded up weren’t even immigrants. Many were American citizens.

During his time in office human rights were denied to these groups…but it is very clear that they disproportionately effected Japanese people rather than German and Italian descent. And once it finally wore off…the Japanese found it way harder to pick themselves back up compared to their Italian and German counterparts.

I do not want to point the finger at FDR and accuse him of racism…but when you look at the numbers it really makes you wonder though…was it racially motivated? I really can’t say for certain…but one could certainly make a case that it was.


I still do rank him in the top half of presidents we’ve ever had. He was a Great War leader (minus the internment camps), and did start various programs like social security that I like. But for me…some of the more painful things that happened under his administration make it difficult for me to really like him. He’s not in the top 10 but I’d have him above 18 maybe *shrugs*

Why I am not a fan of Franklin Roosevelt
Post Opinion