Are you 'fat phobic'?

Are you 'fat phobic'?
Fatphobia (noun): Fear and dislike of obese people and/or obesity. Fear or obsessive avoidance of consuming fat.

Personally, I am. I'm not scared of nor do I dislike fat people, but I do have an intense fear of being morbidly obese or fat.

The term 'fatphobia' exists as a product of the Fat Acceptance movement. Just curious how people feel about the term and if anyone thinks it's relevant.
Yes, I'm fat phobic.
I'm fat phobic about gaining weight, not about fat people.
I'm fat phobic towards fat people but not about gaining weight.
I'm fat phobic but I don't believe that means fat people should be mistreated or abused.
No, I'm not fat phobic.
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Are you 'fat phobic'?
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