There has been a recent increase of firings for people being racist online via social media. Do you agree these people should lose their jobs?

Recently an influx of people who are caught on camera being racist to minorities, and most of the time this inevitably costs them their job. This has also spread to social media. People are posting their bigotry online and their employers see this and they are fired. College students are also being kicked from universities and barred from being admitted over social media.
There has been a recent increase of firings for people being racist online via social media. Do you agree these people should lose their jobs?
It has been polarizing. While many are in support of this decision there are also people against it.

Personally, I don’t see an issue with this. Employers have been watching the social media of their employees for a while now. People say this goes against free speech but free speech only protects citizens from the government, in America at least. It does not extend to privately-owned businesses. Furthermore, employers have the right to fire you for any reason, and posting racially charged things online can be one of those reasons. So, these people should be careful what they post online.

But, what do you all think of this? Do you think it’s justified? Why or why not? 🤔💭
An example
An example
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another example
Yes, they should. (Why?)
No, they should not. (Why not?)
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please keep your opinions respectful.
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Some of these opinions are going wayyy off topic and are delving into a whole different can of worms. Interesting.
There has been a recent increase of firings for people being racist online via social media. Do you agree these people should lose their jobs?
Post Opinion