Do children that are bullied in school tell their parents? Do they tell a teacher? Do they tell anyone? Does bullying require threats or violence?

Do children that are bullied in school tell their parents? Do they tell a teacher? Do they tell anyone? Does bullying require threats or violence?
1 y
A significant percent of replies state fighting or being willing to fight is way to prevent bullying. Most also say that either they don’t report or else, reporting doesn’t help and just make it worse. Also, I looked and can’t find the article but, on the subject of public schools, Oliver North said something to the effect that you should avoid antagonizing bullies. He also, said, schools almost never expel bullies because they lose the money they get for each and every student.
Do children that are bullied in school tell their parents? Do they tell a teacher? Do they tell anyone? Does bullying require threats or violence?
26 Opinion