Why is it so hard for people to believe that a 20 year old can't make 200k a year?


Look it seems that people don't understand that if you have a skill and a talent or nack, whatever you may call it and exploit that talent to multi billion dollar oil companies where a single pipe repair can cost more than what you make in a year. Would you pay a premium for some one not to fuck up your shit? I would if it was very important pipe weld and I had the money yes! Think about it would you want some random Joe welding pipe on the pipe line and have pipes explode every 2 km causing oil spills? This is why we don't have the avg Joe welding pipe line! So really is it so hard to believe that a 20 year old could have his shit together and not be a stupid college kid or university girl thinking how in the world are they Going to turn their $-100,000.00 tuition piece of paper into a livable wage! Sorry but you got suckered into an idea that this dream job was waiting for you but ended up working at Walmart.

Why is it so hard for people to believe that a 20 year old can't make 200k a year?
6 Opinion