Are you ruder/shorter with people who are rude to you or give someone else better treatment/preferential service than you?

I dont mean the counter chick isn't flirting with you or the waiter is hanging around the hot women table instead of the chubbier middle aged women's table.
I just wonder if you, as an individual, are more likely to be shorter with or cold or colder to people who are getting better service or more smiles with a service, than you are or even if you're a regular somewhere. Please, respectful answers, this is not a free for all page to air grievances and nothing illegal please.
Yes I'm colder to staff who ignored me/slower to attend to my needs or requests
No, I'm not that thin-skinned
Define cold/define rude and define my reaction hahaha to that 😂
Results please ,
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
16 d
It's a customer service question. Yet sure, if restrained in your answers and nothing illegal or threatening, answers then are appreciated about if you've been colder or ruder if that cute woman at the counter or server hasn't flirted back at ya or smiled at ya, lol. Whoops, I didn't ask this as anonymous.
Are you ruder/shorter with people who are rude to you or give someone else better treatment/preferential service than you?
2 Opinion