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Do you miss football when it was football?

As my username suggest I do have a fondness for the things in the past and how things were. It's not just being stuck in the past or being nostalgic but it's I just remember things being better than they are now. Football is one of them. Do you remember the NFL before it became its candy ass scripted circus clown show that it is now. When the outcome of the game was actually decided on the field. Do you see a difference in today's NFL versus retro NFL. To me the Golden age is past and it's never kind of come back this includes sports, movies, concerts. People aren't just there to be in the moment and enjoy it with each other it's all about looking through the screen of your smartphone. And promoting your cell phone social media. How many views and likes do I have. I just do not see the genuine love and competitive drive and the modern day athletes. I miss the grittiness and toughness that was displayed not afraid to get grass stains or dirt on your uniform today we want to be clean and pretty so we look good for the cameras it's sickening I haven't watched a full NFL game in 8 years.

Do you miss football when it was football?
Do you miss football when it was football?
Do you miss football when it was football?
Post Opinion