If in a committed relationship with a partner, is paying money to an OnlyFans sex worker... okay or wrong?

Okay, people, let's hash this out. On which side do you stand?
If in a committed relationship with a partner, is paying money to an OnlyFans sex worker... okay or wrong?
If in a committed relationship with a partner, is paying money to an OnlyFans sex worker... okay or wrong?
If in a committed relationship with a partner, is paying money to an OnlyFans sex worker... okay or wrong?
Most girls' POV:
"Hi! My boyfriend watches girls on Instagram and other social media and goes to their OF accounts, behind my back. I have addressed that I really don’t like that and it makes me very insecure... he continued to do it! Am I overreacting? Should I just accept this? Please, I need advice! This hurts me so much."
PLEASE HELP! Boyfriend problems?

Some guys' POV:
"I only follow one person on OnlyFans, and I do it because she is a great person. My girlfriend thinks its cheating. There is nothing romantic between me and the girl I follow. Just videos or pics and sometime texting."
How to get my girlfriend to see supporting someones onlyfans is not cheating?\
How to get my girlfriend to see supporting someones onlyfans is not cheating?

Gay Male Performers Earnings:
It's okay.
It's wrong.
It's neither morally wrong nor okay, but it's somewhat pathetic to give your money to a stranger for a fake sexual ' fan relationship', esp when you have a girlfriend/wife/partner.
I don't have an opinion, but want to see the poll results.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
In 2020, OnlyFans subscribers ballooned from 12M to 85M.
If in a committed relationship with a partner, is paying money to an OnlyFans sex worker... okay or wrong?
71 Opinion