Western Women Have Killed Chivalry and Lifelong Marriage

Western women have killed chivalry and lifelong marriage

It's sad but true. When I was a teenager and young adult, I believed that the best way to attract a woman and get her to stay with you was to be a faithful, caring gentleman. Not a pushover, just a nice caring faithful guy. However, I noticed that it was the assholes and idiots who seemed to attract the most women. At first I didn't think much of it and just ignored it. But after many years of constantly seeing good men getting cheated on or rejected, and seeing the assholes get all the hot women, I finally realized that everything I had been told to believe about women and relationships was a myth.

But it was much worse than that. I realized that we now live in a world where insanity has become normal. Despite the increase of technology, I do believe that we are the stupidest generation that has ever lived. Whether it's the brainwashing of the mass media or the chemicals in our food, something has caused western society to become a nation of zombies where common sense is turned upside down. I'll give you a few examples:

Western Women Have Killed Chivalry and Lifelong Marriage

Over the years, time and time again, I have seen women stay with and even marry men who have cheated on them, but leave good faithful men. It's as if cheating on women and treating them badly makes them love you even more. It's as if it gives them a thrill. Meanwhile, the good men who just want to settle down and be happy often end up angry and bitter because of the stupidity and injustice that women are creating.

I admit that it's not 100% women's fault. A lot of it is the fault of the sexual revolution that encouraged people to focus more on sex and pleasure rather than love and commitment. If women are more interested in sex, pleasure, fun and excitement rather than settling down and getting married, then I guess they are going to date assholes and idiots who give them that excitement. But the end result has been a society of broken families, single mothers, fatherless children, high divorce rates, and the death of chivalry.

Another problem is the divorce laws. In general family courts tend to favor women over men. And it's mostly women who file for divorce. And there have been studies that have revealed that many women divorce their husbands even when their husband has remained faithful and non abusive. Time and time again women will divorce good men and then stay with a asshole or jerk. This is not rare, this is very common.

Western Women Have Killed Chivalry and Lifelong Marriage

I have also noticed that so many women no longer appreciate a man having good manners. Over the years I have held the door open for a woman. Some women smiled and said thankyou, but other women got offended and just gave me a dirty look. So now I no longer hold the door open for a woman, because I never know how they will react. Thank you feminists.

Sure, you can always find exceptions to the rule, but in general this is the way things are now and I don't see things getting any better. Once something has been destroyed it is almost impossible to get it back. It has taken decades of mass media brainwashing and changes to get where we are today. I can't see love and commitment being repaired. Maybe if a woman is deeply religious and strictly believes in lifelong marriage, then maybe it will work.

Sorry nice guys. I'm afraid the future doesn't look bright. The overwhelming majority of women today are going to choose an asshole, the kind of guy that likes to get pissed, has a loud mouth, acts like a complete braindead idiot etc. Sad but true.

Western Women Have Killed Chivalry and Lifelong Marriage
Post Opinion