Does he only want to hookup?

I met a guy on a dating site that I am very attracted to. After a couple of dates he:
- Deleted dating profile.
- Wanted me to meet his friends.
- Never talked about sex or touched me inappropriately.
- Added me on FB.
- Stopped uploading suggestive photos with women. He used to have tons of those.
- Told me he does not sleep around.
- Had a relationship talk. Told me he becomes friends with a girl before moving onto a relationship and that the most important part of a relationship is trust. And that there would be no trouble commiting if you really like that person.
- I had a holiday. He was very afraid that I won't be back and asked me details if I would come back. Was relieved when I told him I will be coming back.
-Never takes out his phone unless to show me something.
-Never looks at other women. When a girl flirt with him and I went outside to "bin my drink", he immediately left that girl and followed me outside.

However there are two red flags. After dinner he wanted to take me to a bar despite that I told him I don't drink. Also, now he wants to take me plane spotting but wants me to take me for a drive after. Should I be concerned?
Yes he only wants a hookup.
He wants a relationship.
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+1 y
I forgot about this! When we talk, he asked about my family, aspirations, careers, hobbies and even the weather. He seems to take great interest to it, or is he feigning?
Does he only want to hookup?
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