What does cuddling mean to Guy? If he see you as a friend, will he initiate it?

I met a guy not too long ago. We only saw each other for a few times and recently we got a lot closer. We went to some parties together and I ended up staying at his place. He is close with my girl friend ( we all went together). That girl stayed with her boyfriend that night so I spent the night with him on his bed. We cuddled and played around for like an hour. He initiated it. I didn't reject cuz I found him cute. In the next morning, something bad happened (school related) so he looked really upset. He didn't even say goodbye when I left. I sent him a snap of a cup of coffee. He didn't reply or anything. He hasn't talked to me since that morning. We had a few drinks but I kno, those were nothing to him. I just don't want him to get the wrong idea that I do that to every guy! I don't! Only if I kinda like or have feelings for the guy!
What does cuddling mean to Guy? If he see you as a friend, will he initiate it?
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