Not enough alone time spent with boyfriend - Am I asking for too much?

Hi guys. I hope you'll take the time to read my story below as I very rarely explain my situation in details on here. It would help a lot.

So my boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 5 months now. We're very commited to each other, so we've met each others' family and close ones. We're both students at uni and my boyfriend is really busy. So am I, but I happen to have a bit more time than he does. As of late, we've nearly only spent time with each other while hanging out with his friends.

Our alone time has diminished a lot recently, so this week we have spent about an hour alone and the rest of it was with his friends or mine. I don't mind spending time with his friends but I wish he'd care to spend more time with me alone. It's like he's trying to do everything at once (seeing me, spending time with his friends, having a good time) so it makes me feel like he doesn't care about our intimacy.

The reason why I'm asking this now is because last night, we spent a long time with his friends (6-11 PM). After attending this event, we went out to eat some fast food. I asked him before we went to eat what he wanted to do afterward, just so our plans were clear. He wouldn't decide, so I left it hanging. He waited until the very last minute until he told me he would go back home and not come with me at my place.

I felt very hurt because it made me feel like spending alone time wasn't worth it to him. If he really cared about it, he could have easily skipped the eating out and decided to end the night with me only. It's like he just tried to get of of it. I feel like I'm making way more effort and compromises than him to make things happen and spend time with him. I'm wondering if and how I should introduce the matter with him.
Not enough alone time spent with boyfriend - Am I asking for too much?
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