America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

America Bashing - a popular sport among European socialists!

At the moment, I am a bit pissed off at a certain user from Europe. This is not a picture of him, but this is what I think of every time I see his user name:

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

Before I begin ranting about this guy, let me clarify that this is not directed at all Europeans. I understand that it is a politically and culturally diverse area and it would be a mistake to over-generalize and say "all Europeans" think the same way about anything. Many of you folks out there are very reasonable, intelligent, good people. What I am about to say is not directed at you.

I don't think that this particular user has ever been to the US. If so, it was probably for a very brief visit. I suspect that he, like many Europeans, base their opinions about the US on what they have learned in school and particularly on what they read in the media. This particular "enlightened" user told me that the media in Europe is not at all biased as is the media in the US and, therefore, he is entitled to believe whatever he hears on television or reads in print or on the European internet news outlets!

He began explaining that my country is filled with hate and it is especially engendered by Donald Trump. He said that I am arrogant for thinking that the US serves as the policeman for the world to try to preserve peace. He added that the only contribution the US made to the Allied success in World War II was the number of soldiers that we could supply, because the vast majority of the intelligence and strategy for winning the war came from the European forces. I didn't call him names, but after telling me all of these things, he blocked me from responding! What childish behavior!

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

So . . . here's a partial response:

The most vile example of hatred in the history of this planet occurred in Europe, not the US, and it killed millions of Jews. In the last century, Europe was also the home of the Ukrainian Holomodor, the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocides in the Ottoman Empire, and the Bosnian genocide. Those examples don't mean that Europe is consumed with hate today . . . but don't lecture me about my "hate filled" country with a holier-than-thou attitude!

Try to seriously insist that there is no bias in your media and I will piss my pants from laughing!

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

I won't even bother to recite all of the peacekeeping missions that US forces have spearheaded over the past 70 years. Although the US does not currently provide many armed forces to UN peacekeeping missions, from 1948 to present, the US has contributed $108.8 BILLION dollars to the UN's peacekeeping fund! For 2016, the top 10 contributors to UN peacekeeping operations are:

United States (28.57%)
China (10.29%)
Japan (9.68%)
Germany (6.39%)
France (6.31%)
United Kingdom (5.80%)
Russian Federation (4.01%)
Italy (3.75%)
Canada (2.92%)
Spain (2.44%)

As for World War II, I love Winston Churchill, but . . . he wanted the D-Day invasion to occur in the Mediterranean and he was overruled by American strategists.

Don't tell me my country hasn't done great things for the world!

I understand that liberals like to bash America. It is one of their favorite games. But what does it accomplish? Does it make me think that I come from a bad country, that I should be ashamed of my heritage? Does it make me want to be a liberal?

Hell no! I am proud to be an American. I think that America bashers are jealous of the traditions of our country. They chastise us for our patriotism but they are like the fox who can't reach the grapes and dismisses his loss by claiming that the grapes are all sour.

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

I am not a xenophobe. I had several college friends who were Syrian Americans. I have dated a girl from the Ukraine, I married a girl from Germany, and I have dated girls from Colombia and the Philippines. I am not a xenophobe and I am not afraid of Muslims but I think we should be careful about letting Syrian Muslims in to this country; according to ORB International, 21% of all Syrian Muslims support ISIS!

I am not here to bash Europe. I don't have any strong negative feelings about Europe or its nations and I would love to visit many portions of the continent and the UK. Why should I tell Europeans that they should be ashamed of their countries when I don't know any more than just what I read about them? Similarly, why do Europeans think they are entitled to criticize the US when all that they know is what they have read in sources that primarily are biased?

If you disagree with me, I don't care and I don't want to argue with anyone. I love my country and you will never take that away from me!

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!

America Bashing - A Popular Sport Among European Socialists!
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