Do you think guys care if a woman is promiscuous?

The other day, one of my best friend (a guy) told me that most guys don't want to be with a woman who is promiscuous. I was a little shocked because I've never heard a guy say that before. I've seen some people say it on this size, however I thought it was just a few angry guys on the internet. I had no idea guys actually cared about that. This was one of my best friends and he wasn't lying, so now I'm not sure if guys do care and they don't talk about it or if they genuinely don't care. What do you think?
Most guys do care if a woman is promiscuous, but they generally don't talk about it
Most guys don't care if a woman is promiscuous so they don't talk about it
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Do you think guys care if a woman is promiscuous?
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