im trying to change this but I had a history last summer where I kept jumping into new relationships when I was hurt by the one before it. My man just broke things off with me last week and I keep trying to fill the void again by texting my ex and others. I know I need to stop this cycle its not healthy. I never properly heal from the guy before. Do you guys do this too sometimes
- 10 mo
There are a few reason why you do this. 1. You fear of being alone. 2. You don't want to be judged by your peers. 3. Your desperate etc..
There are many reason that you do this. You have to give yourself to heal before you jump in another relationship. It's not fair on the other person. Your always going to compare your ex to the current partner and your always going to find flaws in them and it leads to the other person pushing you away and your pressure them to call it quits. So if your going from a 6 month -12 month relationship, the issue is not them it's you. You need to recognize this and seek help aka counciling. This is not good for you both physically and mentally. This is not good for you or your future boyfriend/girlfriend.
Hope this helps. Good luck.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
I don't know what to tell you but I know you are not alone, I know a few girls that do the same thing. I respect that you actually realize it one girl I know who does the same thing does not see a problem with it all all. I think you do need time to heal from a break up and be my yourself. But don't do the opposite that some people do which I'm probably do and take too much time.
00 Reply
- 10 mo
This happened to me once and now I'm married to him. In past relationships I would take a long break from dating but with my last relationship before meeting my now Husband it left me in a really bad place. I said to myself I needed to distract myself and keep myself busy instead of staying home crying all day. When I met my current partner around one month after my breakup I didn't have the intention of jumping into a relationship I just wanted to have fun and distract myself. But this Man is different I was very straight forward on the first date and told me I just got out of a relationship. He had the option of staying or leaving. He stayed. It may sound rush but it didn't feel rushed at all we took our time and took things slowly. I love him forever.
00 Reply
609 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Only you can answer this question. Do you really feel the need to be with someone new? Can’t you stay alone and single until you’re ready? Aren’t you enough to be happy to fill the void inside you?
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
547 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. It sounds like you have abandonment issues , you are scared to be alone , this probably stemmed down when you were a child ,
00 Reply- 10 mo
Honestly, I was never particularly interested in jumping from one partner to another. It just didn't appeal to me. My guess is that someone who does that is trying to fill some need for belonging and not feeling alone.
That's just my armchair psychologist take though. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
00 Reply - 10 mo
Not repeatedly. I made that mistake a couple of times in my early 20's, but I learned from it. You do it because you're afraid to be alone. The question is - why are you afraid to be alone? Why do you think you need someone else to be a complete person?
00 Reply Because you can't deal with your own issues so you just distract yourself and escape. It's easier to tell everyone what your ex did wrong than to focus on yourself and work on your problems.
05 Reply- 10 mo
I had no problems he was the problem. all I gave him was my love and support. I think he just got "bored." told me it wasn't my fault or his. but it was his fault he led me on for months on months
- 10 mo
yeah im not jumping this time but I know my past thats what I did. I know I have tendencies so like im trynna change myself. I had so many guys try to hit me up but I told them its too early just got broken up with last week.
- 10 mo
thank you iss hard :(
703 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. you're afraid to be alone, and you're very dependent on others to make you feel good and wanted. you define your worth on relationships and if someone likes you and wants to be with you.
00 Reply- 10 mo
For me, it is to get my ex attention and make him jealous.
01 Reply - 10 mo
I’ve done that but I’ve also gotten better at giving myself time to heal
00 Reply Like you say, it's to fill the void. I find it helps us forget about the one that hurt us.
00 Reply- 10 mo
I never did this, usually takes months or years before I find someone again but women do it quite often so soon I noticed
00 Reply I have done the same thing a few times. I think it's the fear of being alone and wanting to be with someone.
00 ReplyMaybe consult a psychologist, you might have OCD! Trust me, your question points out that you might be having OCD!
01 Reply- 10 mo
its not ocd. im a doctor by the way lol. if anything it would be dependent personality disorder.
- 10 mo
I don't do that and you shouldn't either you have to give yourself time to heal. Are you currently in a relationship?
02 Reply- 10 mo
just ended one last week
- 10 mo
Sorry to hear that but now you should surround yourself with friends and family and get back into the things that make you happy
- 10 mo
Because you are a female. They swing from branch to branch like a monkey. Never let go of the first branch until the next one is secured
00 Reply Maybe first step would be don’t text exes about relationship stuff?
00 ReplyIt’s what we’re taught to do. Never to slow down and think things through.
00 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Because I can.
00 Replysome do that to cope
00 Reply795 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. You gotta get right back up on the horse.
00 ReplyI’m on the rebound
00 Reply805 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Fear of being alone.
00 Reply512 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. To cope
00 ReplyWhat?
00 Reply
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