Would you consider this woman a gold digger?


This woman told me that her ideal man would be a smart successful man who’s a lawyer or doctor.

I told my friends this and some called her a gold digger because they said she’s basically only dating these guys for money. The only reason she wants a doctor or lawyer is because they’re loaded and why else would she want a guy who has a certain type of career as a preference

other friends said it’s not gold digging because she said that this is her dream man and most women would find this combination ideal and just don’t say it for fear of being judged. They said at least she’s honest about what she wants, not pretending to want average men and secretly wishing she can have more successful ones

Yes and not normal for women to say this
Yeah but pretty normal for women to say this
No she’s just voicing her ideal man
No she didn’t say they had to make a certain amount
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Would you consider this woman a gold digger?
9 Opinion