Should I ask to talk or move on?


I was casually seeing someone for 6 months. Would hang out every other week but texted everyday. It felt like we formed a genuine friendship and He knew more about my day and life than anyone else really.

I never saw him as a future relationship tho due to our age difference. I’m 37 and he’s 23. But was enjoying the companionship and thought he was a really good guy.

Recently it seemed that maybe he didn’t view me the same as I viewed him. I would try to initiate getting together other than sex but he would kinda blow it off. So I ignored him a few days and then message him that we’re on diff pages and I’m gonna look for something else. He said “no hard feelings. I respect your decision and enjoying hanging with you. Good luck rest of the summer”.

Now I’m just feeling like this doesn’t sit right with me. 6 months of talking everyday and that’s the end? Would it be wrong to ask to meet and talk or is that too much and I need to just move on and get over it?

Ask to meet and talk
Get over it and move on
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Should I ask to talk or move on?
3 Opinion