Why can I attract a good man in my life?

I am in my late 30’s and very independent, hardworker, smart and very attractive with a nice body. I know it’s not always about looks but I carry myself well put together, eat very healthy, stay working out a lot and have a great job. Some might think guys get intimidated by me.
Also many of my my friends describe my personality very bubbly, outgoing and a good vibe all day everyday. Also very positive and a good hearted woman.

So I have noticed that I do get a lot of attention but I think most guy see me as a fun time than someone to take home to introduce the parents. I have been single going on 4 years. I’ve dated a bit but nothing comes out of it but just a few dates and hooking up. Or want to keep me as friends with benefits. I’m I doing something wrong that I’m attracting the ones that aren’t emotional unavailable or just want a friends with benefits.
Why can I attract a good man in my life?
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