How to Find Success in This World as a Minority

How to Find Success in This World as a Minority

Let's start with the most basic point: unfair. It's unfair to you, it's unfair to the guy across the street. It's unfair to the person who cuts your hair. It just is. Once you fully acknowledge and accept that it's not just you who suffers, you'll probably be off to a better start to finding success in this world as a minority. Now, before I can even finish that sentence, if you're already huffing and puffing about racism this and racism that, what did I say? unfair.

Yes, life is unfair and racism exists, but racism should not be the end of your story, the end of your chapter, or the end of anything if YOU don't allow it to be. You see, there is racism that exists in the world that is meant to hold you down and keep you back, but then there is the other side of that coin, which is the enabler spirit. The enabler spirit says that because there is racism, life will never shake right for you. You'll never find success because you simply aren't xyz race. You blame all your "bad luck" on the fact you weren't born as a different skin color and instead of focus on your ACTUAL talent, your education, your abilities and skills, you figure, things won't ever be right no matter how hard you work.

How to Find Success in This World as a Minority

The irony of racism is that it actually helps convince even some of the brightest people that they actually aren't good enough or won't get those opportunities. Yes, along the way, someone will say or you'll know because of your race, something didn't work out for you, but what you shouldn't let it do is stop you because racism and discrimination will probably unfortunately be here until the day you die, but what are you going to do in the meantime? Instead of always and forever fighting against "the man," you've got to realize you should equally be fighting that hard for yourself. Ask yourself, do you have the education, do you have the skills, do you have what it takes to rise, and if the answers are no, then perhaps those are the things that are holding you back much more than any racist out there.

Stop giving up on yourself or at the first no you hear or assuming all the time that it must always be because of your skin color. There are more doors out there if only you will look and open them or create new ones if none can be found. If you're taking a long hard look at yourself and you can say with all honesty that you are doing EVERYTHING you can to be successful, then you are whether you push through a door or not, but often times, a person is only doing the minimum or they don't look on paper what it actually takes to be successful at some place or some thing, they simply assume rather than know. It's not always about proving you're better than some other race. It should be about proving you've got what it takes on your own for you to be on top and to climb whatever ladder you want to climb.

How to Find Success in This World as a Minority

Believe that you can do whatever you want to do in this world and go after it...HARD. It's not about being easy, because reaching the top rarely is. If you look to the minorities in top ranking positions in the world, life was unfair to them too in many many ways, but their stories often are no different than your own. They didn't listen to the noise above their own voice which consistently and powerfully reminded them that they are worthy, they need to work hard, they need to keep going and keep pushing, and be the best no matter what. If success were easy, everyone would have it, but it's those people who see "no" for whatever reason given, not as a stopping point, but as a challenge to rise who often are the most successful in life regardless of race or the obstacles before them.

How to Find Success in This World as a Minority
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