Is 2/12 hours to short to scan files of 20 files per box?

Me and a few others have been at this job for 1 month.
For file prepping I have to organize the paper in the files for scanning. This includes removing staples, and straightening the corners of the paper, also organizing it into order.
The target for prepping files is 45 files per day
Some days I do scanning and you have to scan the files that have been prepped. The target is one box every 2 1/2 hours.
The company gets in trouble if the scanning target hasn't been met.
Do you think this is an unreasonable target?
Is 2/12 hours to short to scan files of 20 files per box?
Files to prepare then scan
Is 2/12 hours to short to scan files of 20 files per box?
All the boxed we have to do
Is 2/12 hours to short to scan files of 20 files per box?
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