Are you dumb if you dont go to college?


Overthinking something my boyfriend said this morning. He was not at all trying to insult me or make me feel bad. Just I guess sorta made me feel sad, not his fault though. But is someone who skipped college and sorta has a shutty job dumb? I didn't go to college due to severe social anxiety. Literally school was hard enough at times for me, let alone college which would have hundreds of more people. I sorta knew if I went the chances of me getting so overwhelmed with anxiety of being around people I'd do something stupid to myself. So I didn't go like I had originally planned. I even got accepted to a college I wanted to go to. But I decided I couldn't and then ended up getting a job which sucks but it does pay my bills. Not nearly a nice job like him but I mean i work and do everything else I can I guess. But I sorta felt dumb when I told him I'm insecure about speech issues I have (I can't pronounce certain words so I get embarrassed badly over it). And then him asking me if I feel dumb because of him going to college and having a nice job. I know he didn't mean it badly. Pretty sure he was trying to tell me I'm not dumb. It just sorta made me feel less than because I never went and have what people would say is a shitty job

Are you dumb if you dont go to college?
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