Why do people believe they have "souls" and that there is an "afterlife", when it is obviously not plausible? Our consciousness is in our BRAIN?

I don't really get why anyone would claim that there is an afterlife. Your consciousness is defined by your reactions to events and stimuli based on data you've collected, and this processing is done by your brain.

Basically, the person you are now is just how your brain makes decisions in given scenarios, and how it reacts to certain scenarios.

Therefore, without your brain, which is a purely material thing within your skull, driven by electric impulses - without it, "you" as a person cannot exist.

Therefore, souls cannot exist, and if souls cannot exist, then neither does the afterlife.

Therefore, we should value our lives for what it is NOW, rather than hope it'll get better later. Because apparently after death, all there is is void.

So why do people still think they should be preparing for their next life, when it's quite obvious that this is their one and only life they have?
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bumpity boop
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I'm starting to think every girl on this website is religious and just aren't willing to put their 5 cents in or something.
Why do people believe they have "souls" and that there is an "afterlife", when it is obviously not plausible? Our consciousness is in our BRAIN?
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