How would you deal with a friend who at 35 doesn't have their life together?

So my friend is 35 and saying she doesn't know what she wants to be. She's been taking on jobs that aren't long term, have no health care benefits, no room for advancement, nor any perks. She hangs around really young immature girls who aren't going places (as in no plans beyond today). Seems like she's having a crisis maybe. Then she complains about not getting a good guy but she gives every man in our apartment complex her number. These men never want anything serious, use her or already have someone then she gets mad. i feel like I'm always talking to her about my goals or career plans for the future but she never has anything going. Should I address it or let her be? She just seems lost and at her age most people have steady income and a career going.
How would you deal with a friend who at 35 doesnt have their life together?
Let her be
Address it
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+1 y
I'm just going off what she says to me which is ," I need to get my life together, find a job and but I don't know what I want to be or do." So that's her saying because honestly I never knew all this was going on I thought her life was "together ".
+1 y
Her health? She wouldn't know because the job doesn't provide health insurance. Not to be gross but she hasn't started her period in 4 months now and she suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome, then her jaw was so swollen one day frona reaction yet she had no health insurance, she had blood in the toilet she called me I told her I think she has hemorrhoids and needs to see the doctor to confirm but no health insurance. It's stuff like that
How would you deal with a friend who at 35 doesn't have their life together?
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