Baby mama's here, do you do that?

I used to be a guy who talked a lot of crap about baby mama's and all that. But I noticed a lot when I went out, restaurants and Walmart, movies, a LOT of baby mama's have gotten thicc asf, usually wear black leggings and make sure to keep a good straight face. because I talked crap, I've tried to ignore their looks so their egos didn't expand. But they've just gotten too thicc, and those black tights... awgh, I can't 😭😭My eyes drop down... big booty, then legs in the black tights and I'm like UHHHHH?😮😮😮😮😮😮. When I look up... smh... it's right into the poker face and I can't break through it😫! I now when I see one just offer to pay for whatever she's getting, pay her way... smh. Damn... I didn't think this could happen to me, damnnn☹️Are you one of these, and do u purposely stay thicc and wear those when u go out to see if guys who've acted like me react like I do?
I'm not a baby mama
I am, but not thicc and/or don't wear those
I'm 1 of em, but no I don't stay thicc or wear those to check and see if I win like that against guys like u
I'm 1 of em like this, and yeah, it's on purpose every time.
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Baby mama's here, do you do that?
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