Do you think my older sister should stop having a say in everything I do or post on social media?


I have a married older sister that in my opinion she simply likes to have a say in what I decide in my life or what I post on social media. SHe is like following me when I post comments on social media and then nag me about it if my posts are degrading, disrespectful, bad taste, etc cause everything you post on social media can back fire at a person anytime, especially if someone you know reads it and maybe for otehr people what I comment is of a bad taste, maybe in my view is not but to others it is. I mean comments I post like people also make commetns about any life topic or news out there you can think of and you want to give an opinion on social media (IG; Facebook).

I dont even have privacy posting things acuse my sister sems to know where I had been on Facebook or what blogs I follow and then If I say something not correct she has to message me in private telling me "Watch out for what you post cause it may be offensive to others or someone you know may read it and won't like it".

I comment yes on FB butwhat I say is never an insult, a bad word, disrespectful to the extent that FB will ban me. I joke like veryone and yes sometimes I say comments if Im angry or irk about something but never a very very bad insult even as a joke.

My sister never comments bad or tasteless beause she DOES have to be careful what she wrotes as she is married to a public family judge and any bad comment people will link her immediately to her husband a judge so it can be of a bad reputation to her. The rason my brother in law also has to refrain from commenting certain topics on FB or onb a public blog or a public article if he will use harsh comments on something, he can't do it, it for sure backfire at him, so he is discreet in what he says and also my sister, but that is THEM, not me. I dont live with my sister obviously, but she still treats me like a girl and we are just 3 years apart. Im 51

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At this moment I dont have personal insurance because im unemployed and to apply for it in my country it is very tricky and also I dotn have a lot of money to pay a monthly insurance. I will like to do it but eventually not now but that i smy decision when not my sister. So my sister very very often nags me abotu when I will get my insurance. She has a job and her employer pay her the public insurance but she nags me but she is not like she will pay my insurance if I get it, it is me the one
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it is me the one who has to pay it on my own even if im unemployed at this moment.
My sister seems to like follow me everywhere on FB to check wht I post or dont post, photos, pictures, comments.
I can't block my sister or delete her from my contact list cause she will immediately know and I dont want eitehr to get in an argument with her about it but I dont know how to block her from reading every single publication I made anywhere on FB i any blog I log on so she can't follow me where I go.
Do you think my older sister should stop having a say in everything I do or post on social media?
3 Opinion