Absent father affect on my child?


This may sound wrong, but when I got pregnant, the man I had sex with decided that he will not be involved in my child's life. I mean it's your decision, what you want to do

And I continued with the pregnancy, even though he and some woman has been seeing told me to have an abortion... I didn't listen to them

So I ended up giving birth nine months later to baby boy. My son is now over 13 months and the father has never seen him and doesn't want to do anything with him. The last thing he said was he doesn't care, whether "it dies".

The woman that pressured me to have an abortion, had another child with, a son last week. She's 20 and I'm 29
The father is 32

I live alone with my child, we live in a nice place and my own family, including my mum and my siblings love my child to bits.

So obviously my child will never have a father, but will this have any impact on his life? I've heard stories of how children without fathers are getting involved in drugs being school dropouts etc

I'll try to raise my child, the best I can, my family members, including my sister is very successful. However, with this actually have an impact on him, especially when he sees of a children with both parents?
10 mo
Edit: at high school, I've seen kids that drop out of school and involved in drugs including teenage girls you've got pregnant, they all had fathers, so they had both parents.

I do agree that it will be emotional for my child, but how bad will actually be?

The way I see it is if I never had a father myself, I think I still would've turned out the way I am?
10 mo
In high school, the girls that got pregnant in their teens, they had both parents and I used to get jealous when I used to see their fathers pick them up from school and they were young as well. My father was very old as he married my mum as a second wife back in the days.

So this rubbish with teenage girls getting pregnant tend to be fatherless is a load of crap
Absent father affect on my child?
8 Opinion