It seems he is avoiding me. Why would a guy act this way?

OMG! I am so confused. Guys, hopefully you can help me out here. A guy that seems to like me (from what I could tell), had found out that I liked now he knows and then the next time I saw him he went out of his way to walk by where I was (I was standing by myself) and he walked by but was cowering, looking at me, blushing big time - RED, and waving...he didn't stop to talk, and I waved back and said hi and he kept on going. Does that mean he likes me? Why would he act that way?

BUT ever since it seems he is avoiding me...I guess nothing obvious and maybe just not going out of his way further to see me, but on one occasion I could have sworn that I saw him cut down a different direction when he saw me coming.

So now I feel I am getting mixed signals and am really confused?...
It seems he is avoiding me. Why would a guy act this way?
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