Girls, how would you feel about your date asking if he can kiss you, instead of the usual "locking eyes & leaning in"?


soo, i got this anxiety about misreading situations and social cue's and thus embarrassing myself, furthermore I was raised in a rather old-fashioned household which implied heavy emphasies on being a gentleman and being very well mannered, which is why asking if I can kiss the girl seems like a better option to me considering the aforementioned points.

but I want to ask whether girls would like that in general, or would it kill the romantic mood or whatever hollywood has kinda put its dent in these kinds of situations by having one of those scenes where they lock eyes and they immediately know they wanna swallow each others tounge

I would like it
I wouldn't like it
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Girls, how would you feel about your date asking if he can kiss you, instead of the usual "locking eyes & leaning in"?
2 Opinion