Do girls (and people in general) treat you differently after weight loss? If so, please explain how and/or your opinion?

I find that most people (including myself) are shallow to some point or another. Some more than others. I personally hate when girls say the phrase "Looks don't really matter, I just want a nice guy" or some variation of that. When I hear that, I not sure whether to believe them or not.

When you go on dating sites, it seems like if you don't look attractive enough to a person (whether you are a guy or girl) you will have little to no luck when it comes to getting a date (or even a response) even though you and the person you like have a lot of things in common.

There is a YouTuber called Connor Murphy. In my opinion he has very cringe worthy videos. (Watch one if you haven't already). I use to see some of his videos (I no longer watch them) and it honestly makes me want to give up on finding "true love " or "the one". Especially in my generation/age range.

I am curious on other people's take on this so feel free to share your opinion.

Do girls (and people in general) treat you differently after weight loss? If so, please explain how and/or your opinion?
Yes people treat me much more differently
No people still treat me the same
Other (please share and explain)
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Do girls (and people in general) treat you differently after weight loss? If so, please explain how and/or your opinion?
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