Guys, does this mug represent what guys are looking for in a girl?

Girls, do you find that guys want a proper lady in public but a freaky sexual girl in the bedroom?

A super nice Anon girl asked me to ask this question and she may reply to your comments also, if she would like to, OK?
Guys, does this mug represent what guys are looking for in a girl?
Guys, does this mug represent what guys are looking for in a girl?
Yes, I love an average type girl who is proper in public but more of a sex freak in bed
No, I am not into any freaky sex, just vanilla sex is fine for me
OTHER, see my comments below, or just open the "Lady in Public/Freaky in Bed" Survey
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Guys, does this mug represent what guys are looking for in a girl?
43 Opinion