She goes cold when its going good?


There's a girl I like and she's always been shy around me but I always felt she was interested. A while back things began going well between us and we made out and she was super happy and we planned a date, but then a few days later she just couldn't do it.

I was so shocked because she genuinely seemed really excited and then just bailed. We see eachother quite often so we casually started chatting again. It was obvious she was still into me so I began flirting. She became really flirty back and we would text all night. It was obvious she liked me, liked my direct approach and really wanted to sleep with me and hang out with me. Yet one night when we were texting she was getting really into it and said she kinda wishes I lived closer because she wants me to cuddle her to sleep and feel my arms around her.

It was all going so hot and then she just switched and said she has to stop because she just can't do it and that even though she likes me nothing will happen between us because she won't allow it and she needs to stop flirting with me because she needs to get her life straight and starting making bs excuses about things and said we should just be friends.

I genuinely don't get why I know she likes me etc, but once things progress she stops and runs a few steps back

She goes cold when its going good?
1 Opinion