Why girl that rejected me stays looking at my social stuff content?


I know I’m probably reading into this tooo much but point is I’ll just move on but I’m curious about this.

There is somebody that we had good chemistry. Pretty much got so many signs for me to take a shot to ask her out on a formal date.

Long story short, she just broke up with her ex, I asked her out a couple months later after hanging out a lot one on one. She shot me down gently saying she wasn’t dating right now, but wanted to keep the friendship. I took it as I’m not good enough to her to etc. We’ve run into each other a few time but I would just keep my head straight and not look as I noticed that she’ll be staring.

I deleted her number but still have her on Instagram. I’ve noticed a pattern where I post something on my story and within a couple of minutes she would watch it. This happened every time now. Nobody else does this and it’s so obvious. Heck she was at a school ceremony I was attending to and I posted something and she watched it as she was in the middle of the ceremony. So the she could be bored thing is out the window knowing she was in the middle of an important thing to her.

Why girl that rejected me stays looking at my social stuff content?
2 Opinion