What does this mean and how long should I tolerate this from her?

Back story: There’s this girl that I’ve been crushing on for a while. When we first met I was sure she was interested but I kinda let things die down; I used to reply late then she got petty and it became this toxic thing of who can reply later till it died (my fault I know). Fast forward to current day I’m 90% sure she knows I like her (damn near obsessed even) and now I’m really trying to apply pressure to get her or at least get closer to her.
. I sent her a voice note talking about how we should have a “light catch up” and that I’ve been thinking about her during the summer and stuff. She’s down to meet up this week but over text she seems kinda disinterested and takes a whole day to reply even though I’m replying in due time.
. Should I take this as test? Should I tolerate it because I was the one that was fumbling since and she’s getting back at me? And if so how long? Or should I simply take it as signs she’s not interested? A lot more could be said about the whole timeline but this is a summary.
Is everything fine or
Am I tripping
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6 mo
Don’t worry guys we met up today. It was chill and turns out we are on a friends ting. I didn’t flirt much cause I could feel the energy and it wasn’t like that. I’m currently fine with that but who knows what the future may hold 🤞🏽. As long as I can get closer to her It’s all good.
What does this mean and how long should I tolerate this from her?
24 Opinion