My friend told me I was being a bad friend and insensitive when she told me she’s stressed. Is she right about me or wrong?


Friday night, my friend texted me just hi. I replying hi how are you. She said, “Stressed”. I asked what was wrong and she said she has so much in her mind and worrying about her problems and explained everything while I listened to her. I told her I was hear for her. I told her about my math class I’m stressing about too but she didn’t respond to that. I asked her why she didn’t ask how I am and she scolded that everyone has their own problems to deal with and they’re not going to always ask about my grief or how I am doing. She said I ALWAYS do this, making conversations about myself. Then she had the audacity to tell me I’m being insensitive about throwing in that I started my math class and it shows I don’t care enough about listening to HER problems. I was changing the subject to relax her stress. She told me to have a nice life and just dumped me as a friend.

She’s so wrong
You’re so wrong
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My friend told me I was being a bad friend and insensitive when she told me she’s stressed. Is she right about me or wrong?
5 Opinion