What I Dislike About Some GAG Men


1. They don't want to pay for dates

What I Dislike About Some GAG Men

In an ideal world every one will see women as a mans equal. However, don't let that be the excuse to let all levels of common courtesy fly out of the window.

We learned how to treat each other with kindness since we were school age children.

I know that was a long time ago for the most of us, but that is no excuse to let solid knowledge be abandoned when it should be carried on forever.

Examples of common courtesy:

-If someone sneezes you say, "Bless you".

-If someone is walking behind you hold the door for them, instead of letting it slam in their face.

-If someone slips and falls you lend a helping hand, you may even ask if they are okay.

-If you ask someone out on a date, you offer to pay.

You get my drift.

Letter A is always followed by Letter B.

When letters get scrambled only then will things become confusing for most.

If you think the problem is that a woman does not want to pay for her own meal, then you are incorrect. The fact that you asked the woman to accompany you out and are covering all costs, makes you look like a decent person.

If paying for another person's date is a big dilemma in your life, then make it clear that you are only paying for yourself. This should be spoken about before attending the date. That would be most the most accurate way to avoid any negativity or assumption the other person may have.

2. Bitter due to lack of success with women

What I Dislike About Some GAG Men

Throughout my years on this site, I've heard just about every horrible stereotype from GAG men when it comes to women. I find it hard to believe that these men really came from a woman. The hate they seem to have for them is shocking!

A few of the common stereotypes towards women on this site:

-All women are gold diggers.

-All women are cheaters.

-All women are bitches.

If this is your experience with women time and time again, then they aren't the core of the problem, people only treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated.

You are the common denominator.

You need to take a good look at yourself to understand why you keep attracting those types of women.

Work on yourself and develop self pride, instead of pointing fingers and becoming absorbed by your own bitterness. As hard as it is, there comes a time when cycles can only be broken if you truly reflect on what is causing it to repeat itself. If you choose to ignore it then the circle will keep going around and around.

3. Insecure of themselves

What I Dislike About Some GAG Men

A person that is filled with bitterness is harboring the most insecurity due to their past experiences. These types of men on GAG are usually the type to make negative comments about a woman's appearance, age, and overall value as a human being.

Examples of comments:

-Women are only good for being in the kitchen and cooking.

This person is allowing themselves to be absorbed by their hate. There is no logical reason on why someone would make this comment unless they felt themselves fed up with women as a whole.

-Women are less desirable after age 23.

A man that is well over the age he is discriminating against doesn't have the ability to draw women in his own age, so he creates a logic for himself, that women younger are better and superior than women that are older. He is trying to convince himself this because it's easier to look at a diluted reality than to realize that even your own age group, does not want you because with their life experience they are able to see the dysfunction and lack of security that you bring into a relationship. You may fool the younger and naive girls that have little to no experience, but not those your own age. This is why the younger age becomes his preference.

-Women are sluts if they have more than 5 partners.

This man has had a difficult time hooking up. He harshly criticizes women who appear to have it "easy" and goes on a rampage of how morally inadequate they are compared to himself. Little do these women know is that if this man had the opportunity, he'd "slut it up" himself. He doesn't let that be known however, he portrays himself as a man that would never do such things when in reality he wishes he could.

What I Dislike About Some GAG Men

There's some great men on this site that are completely opposite of what I described, those types are always refreshing to see.

What I Dislike About Some GAG Men
72 Opinion