There is no freedom in life. You always have to answer to someone...


Call me crazy.. call me weird. (But please dont call me maybe)

At every stage of our lives. We have to answer to someone, there is no such thing free will. We have to answer to someone....

Hear me out on this..
Hear me out on this..

Now before you pass judgement, or doubt it. Examine it from a perspective....

Children and parent
Children and parent

When growing up. Of course you don't. know right from wrong. You are nurtured into learning what is right and what is wrong.

Parent and Teen
Parent and Teen

You want to rebel, you think you know it all. Well not really... you dont. You still need to be do as your old..

Student / Teacher
Student / Teacher

You are told what to do by your teacher.. So you can learn...

Employee and Employer
Employee and Employer

You are told what to do by your boss..


and the HONEY DO List.. by your spouse..

So really there is no "freedoms" because you always have to answer to someone!

There is no freedom in life. You always have to answer to someone...
Post Opinion