My boyfriend doesn't know my real age

We've been together for just over a year and I "lied" to him about my age - I said something like, "I'm planning to be 18 forever.", though I'm really 25. It wasn't meant as anything more than a light hearted comment, but I guess since we met online, it obviously didn't come across like that! I didn't even realize until a few months later, when we actually met up, and I blatantly lied to his family and friends once I realized what they thought. I just panicked and didn't correct them when the subject was brought up.

I always planned on telling him but every time I was on the verge, I'd start talking myself out of it - reminding myself that not only does he think I'm 6 years younger but his entire family and friends do too, which makes me feel sick.

I hate that he doesn't know the truth and I also hate how such a stupid, meaningless comment like, "18 forever.." has caused such massive problems! I don't even know where to begin to try and explain but we're moving in together soon and have a baby in the summer, so time is really an issue now.
My boyfriend doesn't know my real age
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