Why do some men basically say they want a women who makes little effort?

honestly I see so many men say they hate women who wear makeup, dress up, or get their nails done etc, Only like natural beauties, I get liking natural girls I get it wanting a natural beauty, but it’s strange to me why so many guys would hate a woman who puts effort into her appearance rather than just wakes up gets out of bed then chucks anything on with zero effort, why do you think so many men say this? I’m not talking about “high maintenance” I’m talking just a woman who takes care of herself and makes a effort what is unattractive about making a effort? Like I notice men don’t seem to have a problem about women going to the gym or taking care of her body or weight but I don’t see why a woman dressing up or making herself look nice is a bad thing because it shows they care about themselves in the same way if they work out or put effort into their bodies, surely it’s a good thing. opinions? (I know this isn't all men by the way, it’s why I put “some”)
Why do some men basically say they want a women who makes little effort?
I know why
I don’t know why
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Why do some men basically say they want a women who makes little effort?
71 Opinion