My crush’s friends are weird af, why do they act like this in front of me?

My Crush’s friends act super weird around me. I noticed two friends stared at me when I was walking in the hallway. At first I thought it was nothing, and they have been doing this for weeks and I still just thought it was nothing until 2 weeks ago. My friends wanted to go to the canteen and buy Red Bull so I obviously went with them. Then I notice they stare at me, but they also POINT at me. Of course I’m confused because I’m like... what? They didn’t look at me in a mean way, but in a more interest kind of way. Then my crush out of nowhere appears and sits with them. Then they tell him to look behind him where I stand. And he looks at me, and then he becomes mad at them. Fast forward to today. My friend and I first went to the canteen and my crush was sitting next to the staircase so I had to walk past him. When I walked past him his friends yelled “(crush) look!” And pointed to me. I just acted like nothing. I was pretty hungry so I decided to go buy food. And then I look behind me and he’s standing there in the line and My friend told me he was staring at me. It was kind of weird since he didn’t really buy anything, he was just accompanying his friend. Then a few minutes later my other friend is like “I want ice tea” so we go past them again. And this time his friend pointed at me again and he looked at me all the way up and down. I tried to play it cool, but I just wanted to fall down and die. This is strange because his friends look at me even when he’s not there. And I also got cat called by two of his friends randomly. Weird. Maybe they have this joke about me? Maybe he likes me? (It’s a possibility, but also maybe not) maybe they think I’m the weirdest girl ever? Do guys even care about girls they don’t like?
My crush’s friends are weird af, why do they act like this in front of me?
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