Are MGTOW Men Really "Going Their Own Way"?

They even have their very own symbol. Funny about that.
They even have their very own symbol. Funny about that.
I guess I'm asking this question because it really is tiring to see so many men these days apparently deciding to go their "own way", and yet... not going their own way, because all they ever talk about online is how evil women apparently are.
Look fellas, you're NOT going your own way, because if you actually did, we wouldn't hear from you. At all. I've visited MGTOW websites and seen them on 'YouTube', and it's clear to me they're just bitter old men who can't get laid. They're bitter because women have the sense to reject these poor bastards. I mean, we DO have standards you know, and these lost souls don't measure up.
Just GO your own way already! Please, I insist! And don't look back! Byeeeeeeeee... ! :)
No, they're not, in spite of what they may claim from the safety and comfort of their mother's bedrooms..
Yes, they are, but they are just having a hard time asking for directions on the way out. You know how men are when it comes to asking for directions.
I couldn't care less about those "men". Just show me the results.
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Are MGTOW Men Really "Going Their Own Way"?
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