Does he want me to make a move?

So long story short over the summer I stayed on campus and I felt this guy checking me out. We both sort of kept looking at each other, but it's been hard to see his facial expression with his mask on. Anyway we've just had very non verbal communication with each other. I've wanted to talk to him and do something but whenever I see him he's sitting with his friends, even though he still looks at me or if he gets something eat at the same place I'm getting something to eat he won't sit down he'll go back to his dorm. It's very frustrating because it's been like this for three months, and I keep trying to get him out of my head, but I see him almost every day. He always looks at me and not just at my body if that makes sense. I've tried to make an effort to show him I'm interested without being creepy. I usually sit by myself when I see him and so I"ll sit sortof close to the area that he sits in, he plays a sport and I went to one of his games. He's a new player so they don't let him play but he kept looking at me during the game, it was clear he knew that I was there. However, he didn't do anything afterward. I'm just confused at this point. Does he want me to make a move, because he's making it impossible for me to do. I feel like if you're constantly looking at someone and not really looking away you would want to be with that person. Should I give up on this guy or should I make more of an effort. If so , what can I do?
Does he want me to make a move?
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