Girls, is it unattractive if a man isn't a protector?

Lemme explain.

See, after I leave from Job Corps for good in December/January, I want to get out there and date again. I'm looking for a serious, legit relationship.

The problem? I'm not a protector. A lot of men have the Hero Instinct--a desire to be a strong protector for the woman in his life. It's why a lot of men prefer short girls. On the other hand, I don't want to be in that role. I would HATE it. In fact, I've kinda developed a muscle kink.

My tastes in women reflect that. Personally, I find masculine traits more attractive, like physical strength, dominance, and general "tomboy" traits. So my ideal woman is strong, athletic, and can fend for herself. Basically, someone who might not need or WANT me to be strong for her.

So I plan on getting to a dojo, gym, or taking up a masculine, physical hobby next year. Not just for myself, but also in hopes of finding the Gorgo to my Leonidas (Queen and king of ancient Sparta).

But ladies, I wanna hear it from you. Is it a problem for you if a man isn't a protector? Would it bother you if a man didn't have the desire to be your hero?
+1 y
And I'm not saying I would NEVER help a woman who needed it (Such as while she was pregnant or couldn't lift something heavy). I would.

I mean, I don't get any satisfaction out of being a woman's protector. I really don't care about being a knight in shining armor. It does NOTHING for my ego, while other men feel good about it.

I'll help a woman who needs me, but I won't feel good about it afterwards.
Girls, is it unattractive if a man isn't a protector?
14 Opinion