What should I do about this older male co-worker who makes me highly uncomfortable?

From the beginning this dude has just given me weird, creepy vibes. But in the last 6 or 7 months especially, it's been amping up.

Always staring at/watching me, trying to be near me or in the same area of our huge work room as me, trying to get me to notice him, and letting out these loud, depressed sighs around me, among other things.
I'm know he's figured out by now I don't like him; I avoid and ignore him constantly, and he acts passive aggressive at times in response. And yet he still hasn't gotten the hint that I don't want to be bothered, like he's holding out hope I'll "warm up" to him eventually.

In one incident, just a few weeks ago I was sorting a cart of books in our workroom. The table I (used to) sit at to do this has a little sink nearby, where us employees can wash our hands, small dishes, or whatever. On this day, he came over to wash his hands at this sink *3 times* over the course of me sitting over there working. And here's the thing-- every time he does this, he turns his head and just watches me while I work, the whole. Time. He's washing his hands. He's actually done this on multiple occasions, but this particular time was the most excessive he's done it yet. I try really hard to ignore it and focus on my work, but I still have peripheral vision, and that was too much. I've stopped sorting over there.

I haven't told anyone about this, b/c he hasn't done or said anything "reportable". And everything that has happened, I feel he could either deny or play off as innocent. Plus I'm worried about retaliation b/c as I mentioned he already acts passive aggressive towards me because I don't give him the attention he wants.

It's occurred to me to even look for another job, but I like the library and feel I shouldn't have to leave because of him. I've been holding out for a promotion/transfer opportunity as well, but I don't know how much longer I can keep waiting for that, while dealing with this.
+1 y
- He showed up one Sunday at another library I was drafted to work at, after he'd overheard me telling another co-worker I'd be there. He proceeded to watch/stare at me then, as well

- A couple days after I stopped sorting at the table near the sink, I was sorting in a different location, and he decided to sit and eat his breakfast at the worktable directly across from me, sitting to where he had a direct view of me, instead of in our huge breakroom that's barely ever occupied in the a. m.
What should I do about this older male co-worker who makes me highly uncomfortable?
4 Opinion