Could be have changed his mind about dating m?

We work together and hooked up once, kissed another couple of times but truth I got intense and scared him off. After we talked it out tension between us eased as we started being friends only

The thing is I still like him a lot, and I feel like there’s some connection between us
Whenever we throw parties he’ll always be around me, and now after I came back from a 3 week holiday he was telling me how I looked really good

So could he maybe have changed his mind?
I try not showing him any interest romantically either bc I respected his decision and he’s the kind to never really be interested in romantic situations, big introvert

However I’d really like to give it one last second try now after quite some time went by and I keep sensing that he is indeed into me, there’s good tension type

and I know he thinks I’m cool, smart pretty and attractive bc he’s said so to me some time ago soo yeah, maybe now that I’m more chilled bout us things changed
Now we got to know each other, we’re into many things in common and I make him laugh
Could be have changed his mind about dating m?
7 Opinion