Why does he tell me that I don't need to lose weight?

I told him I wasn't happy. He told me not to lose that much weight. He acts like he wants to start a relationship but we're friends with benefits. I sort of want to let this situation die but I don't know.. I'm barely hanging on. He seems nice but sometimes I feel like maybe he wants to keep me in the dark.
Why does he tell me that I dont need to lose weight?
Afraid of losing me?
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Id like to add that we've been on & off.. I didn't see him for the 9 months while I was pregnant & a yr that I was in a toxic relationship. I once gave him an STI too lol I asked him, well how do you know it was me? He says, "you're the only one I've been with" & He lives 9 hrs away. He wants me confident but tells me I don't need to lose weight.. I just need to.. then he stayed quiet
Why does he tell me that I don't need to lose weight?
21 Opinion