Do most guys want girlfriends, even if it's a busy time in their life?

I'm not gonna write a whole long explanation for this. There's a guy who I get along with well in my classes. You wouldn't guess we know each other well because we rarely talk, but when we do one-on-one he's enthusiastic and I don't feel pressured to act any way but myself. We're seniors in high school about to go to different (but close) colleges next fall, and I'm hopeless. I can't get the feeling out of my mind that if I didn't give him a shot I'd be missing out on something really, really good. Also, I learned that if I worry too much about the future, it neither affects the future nor makes my life better now.

We both have moderately busy lives, but we aren't needy people. I find him knowing things about me that I didn't tell him, or that I mentioned a long time ago. We have direct eye contact constantly when we're sitting down talking, but rarely make eye contact otherwise across a room.

I guess it was sort of a lengthy explanation, but oh well. I know I'm a dumb high schooler who shouldn't focus on guys, but I also know my limits. My question is more generic: can I count on him to be like most guys (?) that want to pursue a romantic relationship? (Little note: I've asked him to study with me and he asked me questions about myself most of the time we were together. Yet, he hasn't asked me to do anything with him.)
Do most guys want girlfriends, even if it's a busy time in their life?
10 Opinion