How do you know if an introverted guy likes you?

I have this guy friend who I used to work with for a few years and we kept in touch and became friends. Recently he would have these moments where he would open up to me about his life issues, he would share projects that he is working on and seek my opinion on, and he would give me little things that he thinks id like (games, graphic shirts, something he knows my family might need), he always tells me that if I need any help don't hesitate to contact him.

He helped me the other day problem solve a situation and I thanked him and told him he was awesome he replied "oh please, you flatter" and put the blush emoji. He messages me quite often whenever he is free, or would message to send me something funny.

When we were just coworkers he gave me a nickname, he would touch my arm if we were talking, if he saw some guy bothering me he would stand behind me and tell the guy that he could help him because I had a call in the workroom.

I would come out and ask him about his confusing actions but knowing him it would make him hella shy to talk about his feelings. So hence why I am here... what do y'all think?
How do you know if an introverted guy likes you?
4 Opinion