Does my online friend like me?

I have an online friend who I have been speaking to since the start of this year. We met through mutual friends online also. Over the months he has been slowly opening up to me about his personal life, his worries and beliefs about controversial things. Before I had to pry it out of him (he never spoke his mind and wanted to appear tough, which made it difficult for the game we were playing at the time) but now everytime we speak he is always talking about his personal life and being vulnerable. He doesn't let anyone else know besides me.

I had asked if he wanted others to join but he immediately shyed away from it. He doesn't like to appear "soft" infront of his other friends that also includes another girl within the circle. I feel like sometimes he goes out of his way to talk to me even if it something minor, or asks me whats up etc. He teases me a lot but he teases everyone else. He has also mentioned I should "definitely get a microphone" so I can voice chat. He has buddied me up with him on another game so we will be leader and vice leader together.

He also talks a lot about trust issues, he keeps mentioning it a lot and says he finds it hard to trust people and yet he is trusting me with his personal info? I feel like he wants someone to understand him, his a very deep person and gets frustrated when I do not understand him on certain things.

To be clear he doesn't ask much about me, but we do discuss on different topics. I feel like he wants to trust me but I am confused on the context on the relationship 😆
Does my online friend like me?
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