Guys, Does he really not have the feels, or did I just pick him away?


So friends with benefits situation. i was super firm with it , I have caught feelings, but hid it and put in extra effort to show no emotions, no interest and no affection even. he did try to hold my hand once.. I wasn’t the most receptive, he did try to cuddle for one minute lol I still wasn’t that affectionate. He would sit so we were shoulder to shoulder and and I’d closed off with hands in lap.
anyways he told me he is having troubles with our friends with benefits situation and wants love , long - term relationship, and doesn’t see it with me and wants to be friends. I confessed my feelings and asked if he doesn’t see it because of my lack of affection. He does fee that’s part of it and that he has walls up too he said. He apologized for the outcome and still wanted to be friends.. feels he didn’t let himself get feelings because he was unsure of our situation.

he did say he knows he needs to take his walls down, still talking and wants help with something very personal to him …

should I take that at face value that he just isn’t into me , or should I take it as a wall being put up because of lack of affection, feeling unsure and having walls up already?

nkt sure what to think and if I should try to rectify it?

Guys, Does he really not have the feels, or did I just pick him away?
3 Opinion