Has he lost interest?


so this guy I like had been liking all my Instagram stories (I only post a few times a week) consistently for the past 10 days or so, which was unusual as he never did that before… it all started when I sent him a friend request on Facebook admittedly I did it out of the blue to try get his ‘attention’ and it seemed to work as he began liking all my stories on Instagram, we have history… we used to fancy each other back in school and dated for a while.
Anyway, last night I put up a couple of stories one of which included a selfie, he viewed them but didn’t like them. He literally liked every single one I’ve done for the past 10 days… so why has he suddenly just stopped?
has he lost interest? Is he worried it’s weird to like all my stories? Does he think because I haven’t messaged him yet that his constant likes aren’t working? Or maybe he never actually was interested in me and I got the wrong end of the stick?

I definitely feel a bit gutted as I liked him. But I now feel a bit silly to think his consistent likes for the past 10 days meant anything and feel that I’ve just misread everything. I was so sure he was trying to get my attention. But I don’t know anymore.

opinions guys please?

Has he lost interest?
3 Opinion